When the Bradleys led a music group to Kenya in 2007, they visited the Komolion village on the northwest shore of Lake Baringo. The residents of Komolion belong to the eastern branch of the Pokot people group, a sub-group of the Kalenjin tribe.

Our guide, Zipporah Sindiyo, observed that there were few girls attending school beyond the equivalent of 4th grade in the U.S. Conversation revealed that most girls were circumcised and married around age 12. Although both female circumcision (FGM) and child marriage are illegal in Kenya, it is impossible for officials to prevent them entirely, especially in remote areas like Komolion.

The Sindiyos were experienced in rescuing Maasai girls from FGM and making provision for their education, so they were helpful in securing parental permission for four girls to leave the village for boarding school. The Baylor Men’s Choir and other students raised the funds for the girls’ education. The number of girls has increased over the years.