In addition to supporting education for Komolion girls and boys, Komolion Fund continues to support other schools around Kenya.

Hope Education Hub School, Kibera

Led by Isabel Omondi, Hope Education Hub School has more than 150 students and operates in Kibera, the largest urban slum in Africa. Most of these children’s families earn less than $2 a day and Hope Education Hub School provides a quality education, meals, and care.

Africa Inland Church (AIC) Boarding School, Kajiado

About 50 miles south of Nairobi, the Baylor Men’s Choir has sung for students and teachers and brought T-shirts to students at the AIC Boarding School. In 2013, the men painted a number of dormitories and the main dining hall and kitchen and installed gutters on an office building.

Grace Nanana Primary School, Kajiado

Along with AIC, Grace Nanana educates girls who have been rescued from female genital mutilation, which is widely practiced by the dominant Maasai tribe in Kajiado County. In 2017, the Baylor Men’s Choir visited Grace Nanana and Komolion Fund continues to support Grace Nanana financially. At the end of 2019, the school had 75 students (mostly girls) and is consistently growing.

Mohawk day camp students Young children